How to Read Namaz (Prayer)

What is Namaz(Prayer)
Namaz is the Urdu word for Prayer. The Arabic word for Prayer is Salah. Namaz is the form of Worship of Allah S.W.T performed by Muslims.
Namaz is one of the most important of the 5 pillars of Islam. Allah S.W.T has mentioned the benefits and importance of Namaz 500 times in the Holy Qur’an. Namaz is also one of the best forms of exercise you can do on a regular basis. Namaz is compulsory for Muslims 5 times daily. The five times are:
Fajr: Early morning just before sunrise. It consists of 4 Rakats.Zuhar: Afternoon paryers after Zawaal (when sun is perpendicular to earth). It consists of 12 Rakats.
Asar: Post afternoon and before Sunset. It consists of 8 Rakats.
Maghrib: Just after Sunset. It consists of 7 Rakats.
Isha: Late evening after the Sunset is complete and darkness is complete. It consists of 17 Rakats
For men, it is advisable to pray in a Masjid in congregation, as it is 27 times more rewarding than praying alone at home, but for women it is equally rewarding whether she prays alone within her home or in a congregation in a Masjid.
An important requirement in preparation for Namaz is the Wuzu (ablution) which requires one to clean his mouth, nose face, hands, head, neck and feet with running water to purify oneself physically.
Namaz is to purify oneself, seek forgiveness for sins we commit, and pledge not to repeat it.
Posture 1: Thakbeer-e-Thahreema
First Thakbeer in standing position to begin prayer
Lift your hands upto ears in such a manner that the palms are towards the Qiblah and the fingers are neither separated nor joined up but are in their natural position, touch the earlobes with your thumbs and recite
Allah Hu Akbar
Allah is the Greatest
First Thakbeer in standing position to begin prayer
Lift your hands upto ears in such a manner that the palms are towards the Qiblah and the fingers are neither separated nor joined up but are in their natural position, touch the earlobes with your thumbs and recite
Allah Hu Akbar
Allah is the Greatest
Al Qayyam - Standing erect
Place your hands below the navel In this posture your sight should be fixed where you are going to perform Sajjdah (Prostration), Place right wrist over the left, Wrap your left wrist with the thumb and the little finger. Rest the remaining fingers on the left forearm, Make sure your hands are tied below the navel,
Al Qayyam Part A: Sanaa (Glorification of Allah)

Subhanna kal-Laahum-ma Wa-Bihamdika Wa Tabaara kas muka Wa Ta'Aalaa Jad duka Wa Laa Ilaaha Ghaieruk
All glory be to You, O Al-Laah! Praise be to You, Blessed is Your name and exalted is Your majesty; and there is none worthy of worship excepting You
Al Qayyam Part B: Thaooz and Thasmiyah (To seek protection and begin in the name of Allah)

A'oozu Bil-Laahi Minash Shaietaa nir-Rajeem. Bismil-Laahir-Rahmaa nir-Raheem.
I seek refuge with Al-Laah from Shaitaan, the accursed. Allah, in whose name I begin, is the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.
Al Qayyam Part C: Soorah Fathiha (The Opening Chapter)

Al-Hamdu Lil-Laahi Rab-bil 'Aalameen, Ar-Rahmaa nir Raheem, Maa liki Yaumid deen, Iiy-yaaka Na'budu Wa Iiy-yaaka Nasta'een, Ihdinas Siraatal Mus-tageema Siraatal Lazeena An'amta 'Alaiehim, Ghaieril Maghdoobi 'Alaiehim Wa Lad daal-Leen. (Aameen.)
("All praise is due to Al-Laah, the Nourisher of the universes, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful, the Owner of the Day of Judgement. (O Al-Laah) You alone we worship and of You alone we seek help. Guide us into the straight path, the path of those whom You have favoured, not of those who earn (Your) wrath, nor of those who go astray.)" (Aameen)
Al Qayyam Part D: Soorah Ikhlas (Purity)

Qul Huwal-Laahu Ahad. Al Laahus Samad. Lam Yalid, Wa Lam Yoolad. Wa Lam Yakul Lahu Kufu Ahad.
("Say, He is Al-Laah, the One. Al-Laah is above and beyond all dependence. He does not beget, and. nor is He begotten. And there is none to whom He can be likened.")
Place your hands below the navel In this posture your sight should be fixed where you are going to perform Sajjdah (Prostration), Place right wrist over the left, Wrap your left wrist with the thumb and the little finger. Rest the remaining fingers on the left forearm, Make sure your hands are tied below the navel,
Al Qayyam Part A: Sanaa (Glorification of Allah)

Subhanna kal-Laahum-ma Wa-Bihamdika Wa Tabaara kas muka Wa Ta'Aalaa Jad duka Wa Laa Ilaaha Ghaieruk
All glory be to You, O Al-Laah! Praise be to You, Blessed is Your name and exalted is Your majesty; and there is none worthy of worship excepting You
Al Qayyam Part B: Thaooz and Thasmiyah (To seek protection and begin in the name of Allah)

A'oozu Bil-Laahi Minash Shaietaa nir-Rajeem. Bismil-Laahir-Rahmaa nir-Raheem.
I seek refuge with Al-Laah from Shaitaan, the accursed. Allah, in whose name I begin, is the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.
Al Qayyam Part C: Soorah Fathiha (The Opening Chapter)

Al-Hamdu Lil-Laahi Rab-bil 'Aalameen, Ar-Rahmaa nir Raheem, Maa liki Yaumid deen, Iiy-yaaka Na'budu Wa Iiy-yaaka Nasta'een, Ihdinas Siraatal Mus-tageema Siraatal Lazeena An'amta 'Alaiehim, Ghaieril Maghdoobi 'Alaiehim Wa Lad daal-Leen. (Aameen.)
("All praise is due to Al-Laah, the Nourisher of the universes, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful, the Owner of the Day of Judgement. (O Al-Laah) You alone we worship and of You alone we seek help. Guide us into the straight path, the path of those whom You have favoured, not of those who earn (Your) wrath, nor of those who go astray.)" (Aameen)
Al Qayyam Part D: Soorah Ikhlas (Purity)

Qul Huwal-Laahu Ahad. Al Laahus Samad. Lam Yalid, Wa Lam Yoolad. Wa Lam Yakul Lahu Kufu Ahad.
("Say, He is Al-Laah, the One. Al-Laah is above and beyond all dependence. He does not beget, and. nor is He begotten. And there is none to whom He can be likened.")
Posture 3: Ruku
Ruku - Bowing down
Bend you back at the waist and place your palms on the knees and hold them tight, Your Back and head should be parallel to the ground, Your sight should be between your feet, Hold this position and NOW READ 3 TIMES
Thasbi-e-Ruku (Glorification of Allah while bowing down)

Subhaana Rab-biyal 'Azeem.
("How glorious is my Rabb, the Greatest!").
Ruku Part B: Tasmee (Listening)
Rise from Ruku position and stand up straight, While rising recite

Sami 'Al-Laa-hu-liman Hamidah.
("Al-Laah has listened to him who has praised Him").
Bend you back at the waist and place your palms on the knees and hold them tight, Your Back and head should be parallel to the ground, Your sight should be between your feet, Hold this position and NOW READ 3 TIMES
Thasbi-e-Ruku (Glorification of Allah while bowing down)

Subhaana Rab-biyal 'Azeem.
("How glorious is my Rabb, the Greatest!").
Ruku Part B: Tasmee (Listening)
Rise from Ruku position and stand up straight, While rising recite

Sami 'Al-Laa-hu-liman Hamidah.
("Al-Laah has listened to him who has praised Him").
Posture 4: Qauma
Qauma - Standing erect after bowing
Stand straight again with you hands by your sides NOW RECITE 1 time
Thahmeed (Praise)

Rab-banaa Lakal Hamd.
("our Rabb! All praise is due to You alone.")
Stand straight again with you hands by your sides NOW RECITE 1 time
Thahmeed (Praise)

Rab-banaa Lakal Hamd.
("our Rabb! All praise is due to You alone.")
Posture 5: Sajjdah
Sajjdah - Prostration
Slowly go down to a kneeling position by placing both hands on the knees, lower slowly to the ground and place first you knees on the ground, keep your feet firmly on the ground bend your toes so the bellies of the toes are touching the ground, Now put your hands on the ground approximately where you are going to place your head, Next start lowering your head to the ground your nose should be the first thing to touchs the ground followed by your forehead, Keep arms away from sides, Your bellie should be away from you thighs, Your arms should not rest on the ground NOW READ 3 TIMES
Thasbi-e-Sajjda (Glorification of Allah in Prostration)

Subhaana Rab-biyal A'laa.
("Glorified is my Rabb, the Most High").
Slowly go down to a kneeling position by placing both hands on the knees, lower slowly to the ground and place first you knees on the ground, keep your feet firmly on the ground bend your toes so the bellies of the toes are touching the ground, Now put your hands on the ground approximately where you are going to place your head, Next start lowering your head to the ground your nose should be the first thing to touchs the ground followed by your forehead, Keep arms away from sides, Your bellie should be away from you thighs, Your arms should not rest on the ground NOW READ 3 TIMES
Thasbi-e-Sajjda (Glorification of Allah in Prostration)

Subhaana Rab-biyal A'laa.
("Glorified is my Rabb, the Most High").
Posture 6: Jalsa
Jalsa - Sitting between Prostration's
Sit on your left foot which should be flat the ground, keep your right foot upright with toes faceing the Qiblah and place your hands near the knees in a manner that the fingers face the Qiblah, then say Thakbeer (Allah Hu Akbar) now go into second prostration in the same manner as the first
Sit on your left foot which should be flat the ground, keep your right foot upright with toes faceing the Qiblah and place your hands near the knees in a manner that the fingers face the Qiblah, then say Thakbeer (Allah Hu Akbar) now go into second prostration in the same manner as the first
Posture 7: Second Sajjdah
Second Sajjdah - Second Prostration
Perform the Second Prostration recite Thasbi-e-Sajjdah
Thasbi-e-Sajjda (Glorification of Allah in Prostration)
Subhaana Rab-biyal A'laa.
("Glorified is my Rabb, the Most High").
Now rise from this position in the reverse order, Forehead, Nose, Hands, while you are rising say Thakbeer (Allah Hu Akbar)
Perform the Second Prostration recite Thasbi-e-Sajjdah
Thasbi-e-Sajjda (Glorification of Allah in Prostration)

Subhaana Rab-biyal A'laa.
("Glorified is my Rabb, the Most High").
Now rise from this position in the reverse order, Forehead, Nose, Hands, while you are rising say Thakbeer (Allah Hu Akbar)
Posture 8: Qa'dah-e-Akhira
Qa'dah-e-Akhira - Last sitting
After completing both the prostration’s you should sit in the same position as you did between the two prostration’s (Jalsa) Now recite
Qa'dah-e-Akhira Part A: Thashahud (Testification)

At-yaatu Lil-Laahi Was-Sala-waatu Wat-taiey-yibaat, As-Salaamu 'Alaieka Aiey-yuhan-Nabeey-yu Wa Rahmatul-Laahi Wa Barakaatuh, As-Salaamu 'Alaienaa Wa 'Alaa 'Ibaadil Laahis-Saaliheen, Ash-hadu Allaa Ilaaha Il-lal Laahu Wa Ash-hadu An-na Muhammadan 'Abduhu Wa Rasooluh.
("All reverence, all worship and all glory is due to Al-Laah alone. Peace be on you, O Prophet, and the Mercy of Al-Laah and His Blessings. Peace be upon us and on those who are the righteous bondsmen of Al-Laah. I testify that none is deserving of being worshiped excepting Al-Laah, and I testify that Muhammad (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) is His bondsman and His Messenger".)
Qa'dah-e-Akhira Part B: Drood Sharif (Salutations on the Holy Prophet S.A.W)

Al-Laahum-ma Sal-li 'Alaa (Saiey-yidinaa) Muhammadin Wa 'Alaa Aali (Saiey-yidinaa) Muhammadin Kamaa Sal-laieta 'Alaa Ibraaheema Wa 'Alaa Aali lbraaheema In-naka Hameedum Majeed.
Al-Laahum-ma Baarik 'Alaa (Saiey-yidinaa) Muhammadin Wa 'Alaa Aali (Saiey-yidinaa) Muhammadin Kamaa Baarakta 'Alaa Ibraaheema Wa 'Alaa Aali Ibraaheema In-naka Hameedum Majeed.
("O Al-Laah! Shower Your blessings on Muhammad (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) and the progeny of Muhammad (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) even as You showered Your blessings on Ibraaheem and the progeny of Ibraaheem. Indeed, You alone are worthy of all praise and are the Glorious.
O Al-Laah! Bless Muhammad (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) and the progeny of Muhammad (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) even as You blessed Ibraaheem and the progeny of Ibraaheem. Indeed, You alone are worthy of praise and are the Glorious.
Qa'dah-e-Akhira Part C: Dua (Invocation)

Rab-bij'alnee Muqeemas Salaati Wa Min Zur-yatee, Rab-banaa Wata Qab-bal Du'aa, Rab-banagh-fir Lee Wa Li Waali daiey-ya Wa Lil Mu'mineena Yauma Yaqoomul Hisaab.
(O my Rabb! Make me regular in namaz and my progeny also. O our Rabb!! Grant my invocation. O our Rabb! Forgive me, my parents and all other Musalmaans on the Day when (actions) will be adjudged.")
After completing both the prostration’s you should sit in the same position as you did between the two prostration’s (Jalsa) Now recite
Qa'dah-e-Akhira Part A: Thashahud (Testification)

At-yaatu Lil-Laahi Was-Sala-waatu Wat-taiey-yibaat, As-Salaamu 'Alaieka Aiey-yuhan-Nabeey-yu Wa Rahmatul-Laahi Wa Barakaatuh, As-Salaamu 'Alaienaa Wa 'Alaa 'Ibaadil Laahis-Saaliheen, Ash-hadu Allaa Ilaaha Il-lal Laahu Wa Ash-hadu An-na Muhammadan 'Abduhu Wa Rasooluh.
("All reverence, all worship and all glory is due to Al-Laah alone. Peace be on you, O Prophet, and the Mercy of Al-Laah and His Blessings. Peace be upon us and on those who are the righteous bondsmen of Al-Laah. I testify that none is deserving of being worshiped excepting Al-Laah, and I testify that Muhammad (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) is His bondsman and His Messenger".)
Qa'dah-e-Akhira Part B: Drood Sharif (Salutations on the Holy Prophet S.A.W)

Al-Laahum-ma Sal-li 'Alaa (Saiey-yidinaa) Muhammadin Wa 'Alaa Aali (Saiey-yidinaa) Muhammadin Kamaa Sal-laieta 'Alaa Ibraaheema Wa 'Alaa Aali lbraaheema In-naka Hameedum Majeed.
Al-Laahum-ma Baarik 'Alaa (Saiey-yidinaa) Muhammadin Wa 'Alaa Aali (Saiey-yidinaa) Muhammadin Kamaa Baarakta 'Alaa Ibraaheema Wa 'Alaa Aali Ibraaheema In-naka Hameedum Majeed.
("O Al-Laah! Shower Your blessings on Muhammad (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) and the progeny of Muhammad (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) even as You showered Your blessings on Ibraaheem and the progeny of Ibraaheem. Indeed, You alone are worthy of all praise and are the Glorious.
O Al-Laah! Bless Muhammad (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) and the progeny of Muhammad (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) even as You blessed Ibraaheem and the progeny of Ibraaheem. Indeed, You alone are worthy of praise and are the Glorious.
Qa'dah-e-Akhira Part C: Dua (Invocation)

Rab-bij'alnee Muqeemas Salaati Wa Min Zur-yatee, Rab-banaa Wata Qab-bal Du'aa, Rab-banagh-fir Lee Wa Li Waali daiey-ya Wa Lil Mu'mineena Yauma Yaqoomul Hisaab.
(O my Rabb! Make me regular in namaz and my progeny also. O our Rabb!! Grant my invocation. O our Rabb! Forgive me, my parents and all other Musalmaans on the Day when (actions) will be adjudged.")
Posture 9: Salam
Salaam - Saying peace to end the Namaz
Turn your head to the right shoulder and say Salam, then turn your head to the left and say Salaam
Salaam(Saying peace)

As-Salaamu 'Alaeikum Wa Rahmatul Laah
("Peace on you and the mercy of Al-Laah!")
For more information regarding Namaz see also
Turn your head to the right shoulder and say Salam, then turn your head to the left and say Salaam
Salaam(Saying peace)

As-Salaamu 'Alaeikum Wa Rahmatul Laah
("Peace on you and the mercy of Al-Laah!")
For more information regarding Namaz see also
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